Parachute blog thing

Title: Egg parachute experiment – pro


  • Why did we do this experiment?


In this experiment we were timing how ____ it took egg __________ of different designs to hit the ground. This was investigating the physics concepts of air __________ and m___. 



  • Include the link to your planning + any other research you did about what makes a good parachute.



  • Numbered steps of the experiment. Should include planning, building, and dropping your parachute. Include photos of your parachute.


  1. First we make the design of our parachute.
  2. Then we collected the materials we needed to make our parachute. These materials included: list materials here
  3. Describe how you made your parachute using your materials here
  4. After making our parachute we took it outside and  it. We timed how long it took for the parachute to hit the ground using a stop watch.



  • Did your egg break? How long did it take for your egg to fall?
  • it took 0.64 seconds and it shattered into dust


  • Did some of the parachutes fall faster than others? 


  • How would you improve your design next time? 

Extension task: add arrows to this google drawing to show the size and direction of the forces acting on your egg parachute.

Science – week 8

AIM: To make a fast wind racer


  • Plastic bag
  • Tape
  • Base racer
  • Bamboo stick
  • Blue pen to draw
  • Black paper for the cone
  • Leaf Blower


  1. We use the bamboo stick on the base racer and stick it together using the tape.
  2. We use the plastic as the sail and tape it with the bamboo stick
  3. We use the black paper and turn it into a cone and add it to the front of the base racer
  4. Use blue pen to draw on it then BOOM DONE

By far we got the fastest score 9.2 meters in a span of 10.94 seconds


What are some forces acting on the wind racer?

In a wind racer propelled by sails, forces include lift (opposite to wind flow), drag (opposite to motion), and propulsive force (driving forward). Lift supports propulsion by redirecting wind energy, while drag opposes motion, influenced by wind speed. Gravity affects stability and centripetal force during turns maintains curved paths. Design and sail configuration optimize these forces. Variations in wind strength and racer handling impact performance, requiring skillful adjustments for efficiency and speed.

Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?

The wind racer would be unbalanced, a wind blower blows wind consistently but human error would constantly change our way of direction because our hand would move and the wind racer would also be pushing further away from the wind blower causing it to get slower so we either had to move but again, human error would make it vary depending on if we move closer to it or not so it would be less consistent making it unbalanced.

Define net force

Net force is the overall force acting on an object when all the individual forces are combined. It tells you how much and in what direction the object will move. To find the net force, you add up all the forces acting on the object, considering their directions. If forces are pushing or pulling in different directions, you have to subtract the opposing forces. The net force can make an object start moving, stop moving, or change how fast it is going.


How was your wind racer successful/unsuccessful?

It was very successful because we got the fastest time and was the most furthest out of all the other teams. Our team name BBC (Big Black Cone) Was unique because it had a cone tipped head at the end of the base making it more aerodynamic making it faster because of less drag force. We also made our sail  like a bowl shape so it could pick up the most amount of air which worked.

If I could change anything about our wind racer it would be to make the bamboo stick more stable, we realised that the wind blower was insanely powerful toppling over our first attempt because we were too close. The second attempt was even better because we decided to move a couple steps backwards and it worked like a charm :>.

How was my score different to others?

I think it was different because of our design, Our design was different to others 1. Because we added a tip to our base making it more aerodynamic. 2. Our sail was tied at the bottom so the air could stay within the sail therefore pushing it further. Another reason is also because we used a good distance away from the wind racer with the leaf blower, other people either were too close and made the wind racer topple over or it was too far and didn’t catch the wind too fast.



This link is for the reference of our scores tested)







Black Lives Matter Protest


In recent years, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests have emerged as a powerful movement advocating against racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. Triggered by tragic incidents like the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and George Floyd, these protests have resonated deeply across diverse communities. People of all backgrounds united in peaceful marches and rallies, carrying poignant signs bearing messages like “Black Lives Matter” and demanding justice with chants of “No Justice, No Peace.” While many demonstrations were peaceful, some were marred by sporadic incidents of looting and clashes with law enforcement, underscoring the urgency and intensity of the call for change.

The consequences of these protests have been profound and widespread. They sparked crucial conversations nationwide about race, equity, and the role of law enforcement. Governments at various levels began reevaluating policing practices, contemplating reforms aimed at ensuring accountability and enhancing community safety. Moreover, the movement prompted individuals and businesses to confront systemic racism head-on, fostering a broader commitment to promoting equality and inclusion. Through the leadership of figures like Alicia Garza, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, the movement has galvanized millions, inspiring ongoing efforts to dismantle systemic racism and foster a more just society for all.

It is still an ongoing problem with our society that we all think we aren’t equal. Every lives matter and that is the end of that. Thank you for looking at this blog and have a wonderful day!

Football reflection – Term 2

Football reflection – Term 2

This term in PE we have been learning about Football. The following words are used in football. What do they mean? Write their defenitions.

  • Offside- Behind the last defender on the opposite team
  • Onside- Not being behind the last defender
  • Kick off- the start
  • Dribble- To move up or to outmanoeuvre them
  • Pass- Kick the ball to another team mate
  • Throw in- when you or the other team gets the ball out the team that didn’t kick it pass the line gets to throw it on the field to their teammate.
  • Goal kick- When the goalie kicks the ball

Football is played with 11 players on each team on the field at one time. The field is 50-100 yards wide and 100-130 yards long. The equipment needed is

  1. Shinpads
  2. Football boots
  3. Not needed but a mouth guard would also be good
  4. Goalie gloves if you are a gk

The 5 most important rules of football

  1. Offside Rule: Don’t stand closer to the opponent’s goal line than the second-last opponent when your teammate passes the ball to you.
  2. Fouls and Misconduct: Don’t trip, push, hold, or play dangerously. If you break the rules, you might get a card.
  3. Penalty Kicks: If the defending team fouls you in their penalty area, you get a kick from the penalty spot close to their goal.
  4. Throw-ins: When the ball goes out, throw it back in with both hands, from behind your head, while keeping your feet on the ground.
  5. Goal Kicks and Corner Kicks: If the ball goes out by the goal line and the defending team touched it last, the attacking team gets a corner kick. If the attacking team touched it last and it goes out by the goal line, the defending team gets a goal kick.

One thing I improved in was nothing tbh.

One thing I enjoyed was scoring on the other team.

I need to keep working on my dribbling but the other team didn’t really dribble well anyways

I enjoyed playing on the same team as benaiah because he is a giraffe and Jacob because he’s insane at hitting the ball with his head

I always brought my PE gear to school

Out of 10 I would give myself a 7 for trying because it really didn’t need much skill to score.

Zombie blog

Today we will be talking about alleles

Offspring inherit one allele from each parent. Let’s simplify it further with an example:

Parent 1: Aa Parent 2: Bb

The offspring could inherit any combination of alleles:

  1. AB
  2. Ab
  3. aB
  4. ab

Each offspring gets one allele from each parent, resulting in different combinations of alleles. This process creates genetic diversity in populations. Such as the african-americans or the normal race


Freedom fighters

Hello, today we will be learning about martin luther king the leader of american civil rights


Joining Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights movement meant peacefully protesting unfair treatment of African Americans. You’d march, fight for laws for equality, and challenge segregation and discrimination. Together, you’d make history with events like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington. King’s belief in nonviolence and his dream of equality would inspire your efforts to create a better world for everyone.

Ghandis profile

Name: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Born:October 2, 1869.

Place of birth: Porbandar, a coastal town in the present-day state of Gujarat, India

Belief/faith:Gandhi was a lawyer who fought for civil rights in South Africa. He later led India’s independence movement against British rule, promoting nonviolent protest. He also wrote, spoke, and worked for social equality and justice throughout his life.

What did he want for India?Independence from from britain

How did he go about getting it? Gandhi’s protests were peaceful and involved actions like marches and boycotts to show opposition to British rule and unfair laws. They aimed to make a strong statement without using violence.


What did his leadership help to gain for India?

Gain independence from the Brits


What has Gandhi known as in India? 



What were his beliefs? 

Hinduism vegetarianism


Where did he study? 

In london


Where did he get a job as a lawyer? 

In south africa


What was he fighting for in India?

civil rights and the right to vote for indians


What did he introduce into India?  

Satyagraha a non violent protest


What challenges occurred when he introduced peaceful protests? Sent to jail


What does Boycott mean? Look it up!

A boycott is when people decide not to use or buy something as a way to protest or achieve a goal.


Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr was a prominent civil rights leader in American history. He was a freedom fighter because he tirelessly advocated for racial equality and justice. For example, he led the March on Washington in 1963, where he delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, calling for an end to racial segregation and discrimination. In summary, he was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to fighting for a society where all individuals are treated equally regardless of their race or background.

Task: Profile these Freedom Fighters…

Polynesian Panthers
Name polynesian panthers

Location New Zealand

What did they want for New Zealand? stop racism

How did they go about getting it? – 

Actions blm/protests

Why are they classes as Freedom Fighters Black people


DNA extraction

Hello, today we will be talking about DNA extraction.

Why did we do this experiment?

To learn more about DNA and to look at how to extract it.


  • Banana
  • Cloth
  • Beaker
  • Dish washing liquid
  • Test tube
  • A place to get warm water
  • Ethanol
  • Ziploc bag
  • Something to stir the mixture in
  • BBQ skewer


  1. Put the banana in the Ziploc bag and mush it up.
  2. add a small dose of water and salt to the mushed up bananas and make sure it is fully mixed in.
  3. Use a cloth to strain the mixture in a beaker .
  4. Add a small bit of Dish washing liquid and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the mixture into the beaker and make it so it is up to three of your fingers.
  6. Fill a beaker with warm water and place your test tube filled with the weird mixture and place it in the warm water.
  7. Leave it in there for at least 10 minutes.
  8. Then deposit 5 ml of ethanol into the mixture .
  9. Put the skewer through the mixture and pull it out.
  10. Then your finished there is your DNA!


Two things I learned from this experiment

  1. DNA is relatively easy to extract, the only thing you would need to get which I would find somewhat difficult is pure ethanol
  2. DNA looks like snot

What are some uses for DNA extraction?

  • Helping people out as in finding out what is wrong with them.
  • Making drugs 🙂
  • Good for detecting any bacteria or viruses.


FBI Personality and how the brain works

Hello, today I will be talking  about how the brain works. And I will be telling you what my personality type is.

Firstly, my personality type. My personality type is called “Mediator” Mediators are open minded, tolerant and accepting people. They dont like to judge peoples beliefs and decisions, this type of personality prefers compassion instead of fault-finding. Mediators still feel empathy to the people who have done wrong.

Now psychopaths. Psychopaths don’t use some of their brain so it isn’t heated up meaning its cold   .